Sunday, May 2, 2010

Journal #15 Due Date May, 02 2010

In the article Ive read many scientist and researchers at a government lab have come together to invent a device that will be like a sun on earth. In the project known as the National Ignition Facility. This project has been taking place in Livermore National Laboratory. If the invention is successful this will hopefully solve the global energy issue. The concept of the mini star; is the worlds largest laser. Which is said to be the size of three football fields. The laser is then split into two parts which contain one hundred ninety-two beams. On the target they will apply two reactive isotopes deuterium and tritium which both can be found in seawater, this will then be wrapped in a very small gold capsule compared to the size of a thimble. Last but not least, the most important step firing the laser. This will produce heat as hot as the sun at one hundred million degrees celcius. The name of the star is Voila. In the process of the invention there has been an overage in budget and the date has also been pushed back. The release date is now set to the end of 2012. other researchers. Livermore isnt the only labatory that is taking a step at trying to stop global warming. In the article it states Bill Gates is funding research in a more modified version which uses fission instead of fussion as the Livermore researchers are using. As any other invention the Livermore researchers have those that doubt there project.

I feel as though the article was very effective. Im also grateful at the efforts of the research at trying to stop the global warming crisis. I think that it is very important that the project is done as soon as possible and there are no more set backs. I have to wonder how this will effect us on earth if a giant fire ball is created, and where the firing will take place. I think that the fission idea supprted by Bill Gates will be more safe and effective. I think that this invention will be great for our envirnoment in providing a greener earth. As it states in the article I do have my doubts about the invention but if its to save the human race Im all for it. I hope that it succeeds in every aspect the Livermore researchers intended it to.