Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog 1

In this article it was basically about a man who wanted to use our natural resource for fuel, literally. The man moved from New Jersey to Texas excute his plan to turn algae in bio diesel fuel. This he would call photon8. It was important that he moved to Texas because it was much more sunlight, and his conversion of algae to bio diesel needed sunlight. The name photon8 came from the theory that it takes eight photons to make this conversion and more sunlight for the change to be completed. He did not do this alone, with help from students, professors, and researchers in the Texas the use of the lipids in algae are being tested and will hopefully fuel our transportation.

I really think that with all the efforts of most of the world to go green this would benefit us greatly. I believe that it will be cleaner air to breathe and less pollution in the air, although I dont know much about bio diesel and its effects. I do believe that it will be an economic change, being that most of our fuel comes from out of the country if we have a fuel based in the country it would cost less dollars. It would also create more jobs which will help the economy as well.
On the other hand I was thinking about the animals that actually live off of algae or use it to make their underwater homes and how it would effect them. It make cut off food supply which would cause a scarce amount of an particular underwater creature. It could also but the underwater animals in danger of being prey of a nother animal because it has no where, or very few places to hide.
The conversion of algae to bio diesel is a great idea, i feel it would be better if it was a plan made to protect the species that are being effected by this effort.

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