Sunday, March 28, 2010

Journal # 10 Due Date 03/28/2010

The article that I've read is about taking a new type of flight. The flight mechanism that has been created by the dreams of Richard Branson. This type of flight will take passengers to space and back. At a small fee of two- hundred thousand dollars, compared to NASA at least. The flight will hold six passengers per flight. Branson wanted to create a flight that any person can experience. In the article it states that there are approximately eighty thousand people on the waiting list. Before any tourist can climb aboard they must take a course three days prior to that time. The name of the phenomenon is Virgin Galatica. In the article it states that this pass Monday the flight successfully completed a carrier flights, meaning the VSS enterprise stayed attached to the carrier the entire two hour and fifty-four min fight at an altitude of fourty-five thousand feet. After continuous testing the flight will reach an altitude of sixty thousand feet. Mr. Branson wants to make this form of travel a know way of tourism for people everywhere, there will be further testing through two thousand and eleven, the date of the first flight hasnt officially been released.

I feel that this article was just as effective as the invention itself. I think that this is the next big thing in technology. Im sure there are many people in the United States alone that have wanted to do space traveling and never had the chance to do so. This will be a great opportunity for those citizens. This would also be a great tourist attraction. I think that it was very thoughtful of Mr. Branson to bring this dream to life at a reasonable price for those who can afford it . The article didnt say much about the safety procedures and if the passangers have to sign a waiver, becuase the flight results are up in the air literally. In all I think this is the new big invention that everyone would love to watch even if they cant get on the flight themselves.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Journal # 9 Due Date 03/21/2010

Communication barriers exist all over the world. An invention with a new twist will assist in evolving the communication barriers all over the world. The invention is a translator, and I know your thinking that there has already been a translator invented, and you are correct. A website was recently launched by the name of Meedan and what it does is translates articles from english to arabic and vice a versa, it also translates comments instantly. Another program Mojofiti allows bloggers to post and translate in twenty-seven different languages. In the article it states that Google is launching an invention that takes picture taking to another level. It states that by taking a picture of for example a menu in French, and upload it to google server it can be translated in english. This is all done by the technology know as statistical machine translation which in the end determines the language to translate.

I feel that this article was very effective, I feel even more that the invention it self will be greatly appreciated. I think that it would be great in the United States due to the high immigration rates. It will make all citizens feel welcome and cause less frustration, and increase better understanding. It will also benefit tourist that dont know all the languages in the countries they desire to travel and in turn make benefit other countries economies because more people would be willing to travel at the comfort of there translator. The tourist will also have the peace of mind when order dinner at a local diner thousands and thousands a miles a way. It will personally benefit me when Im in the nail shop, because I really want to know what the chinese technicians are saying. In all I believe that this invention will benefit many, but I have to wonder how many job cuts this invention will create, because the need of translators will be little to none.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Journal # 8 Due Date Mar.7 2010

Is it just as important to chase a theft online as it is on foot? The article that Ive read is speaking of the police actually catching the three men behind the largest virus in the world, reported by spanish authorities. It is said that the virus "botnet" infected approx. 13 million computers worldwide. The network built was Mispora which means butterfly in spanish. The network was built to steal financial information and other personal information from over one hundred countries. The arrest of the men is stated a break through in catching other online criminals. In the article it states that the United States is doing more to fight against cyber crimes, although cybercrimes arent a priority. It is close to impossible for authorities to catch and prosecute cybercriminals, because it is difficult to trace the virus back to one computer. Even if the authorities have found the source they would have to have the jurisdiction to prosecute the cyber theft. It also states that its not a crime to create a bad network but to use a bad network. In the article numerous suggestions are made on how to protect ourselves from becoming victims of cyber crimes. One suggestion was to educate internet users on protecting ourselves by security. The inventor of Symantec is in the process of inventing a behavioral dectecting network, that will dectect a virus by its behavior this will help determine whether the network is a virus or not.

I do feel that its just as important to catch and prosecute a cybertheft as it is to catch a person who robs a bank. I do agree that you dont hear much about authority catching those who commit crimes and scams on the internet, I think that it should be taken as serious. I understand that there is no easy way to trace the network or virus back to it original source. If there was a program set or a law stating that no one could create bad network, it would be less crimes on the internet. I think that it is very important for every individual that uses the internet on a daily basis to be educated on ways to protect themselves. The program to detect the behavior of a network is a brillant idea, but what do you do when the next mastermind creates a program to device the detector. I believe the day that one police is assigned to each computer all over the world is the day cybercrimes will no longer be committed. Until all we can do is protect ourselves with anti-virus downloads. Stay protected!