Sunday, March 21, 2010

Journal # 9 Due Date 03/21/2010

Communication barriers exist all over the world. An invention with a new twist will assist in evolving the communication barriers all over the world. The invention is a translator, and I know your thinking that there has already been a translator invented, and you are correct. A website was recently launched by the name of Meedan and what it does is translates articles from english to arabic and vice a versa, it also translates comments instantly. Another program Mojofiti allows bloggers to post and translate in twenty-seven different languages. In the article it states that Google is launching an invention that takes picture taking to another level. It states that by taking a picture of for example a menu in French, and upload it to google server it can be translated in english. This is all done by the technology know as statistical machine translation which in the end determines the language to translate.

I feel that this article was very effective, I feel even more that the invention it self will be greatly appreciated. I think that it would be great in the United States due to the high immigration rates. It will make all citizens feel welcome and cause less frustration, and increase better understanding. It will also benefit tourist that dont know all the languages in the countries they desire to travel and in turn make benefit other countries economies because more people would be willing to travel at the comfort of there translator. The tourist will also have the peace of mind when order dinner at a local diner thousands and thousands a miles a way. It will personally benefit me when Im in the nail shop, because I really want to know what the chinese technicians are saying. In all I believe that this invention will benefit many, but I have to wonder how many job cuts this invention will create, because the need of translators will be little to none.

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