Sunday, April 11, 2010

Journal #12 Due Date 04/11/2010

The article that Ive read is about taking new heights in saving the envirnoment. The invention is a solar powered plane. This plane is suppose to fly durning the day and through the night with out the use of any type of fuel, the plane will use only solar energy. The solar plane has twelve thousand solar cells implanted in the wings, and it is said to be the weight of a mid sized car. After six years of developing the solar plane it was tested. The test pilot by the name of Markus Scherdel flew the plane for eighty-seven mins at an approximate altitude of three- thousand ninety three feet in the air. The solar plane is powered by four electric motors that are designed to run durning the day and through out the night. The purpose of the solar plane is to save energy and it will be doing so by its solar cells in the planes batteries. The solar plane is set to be soaring in the year two- thousand and twelve.

I feel that the article was very effective. I think that the solar plane is the next big then in energy conservation. The fact that the solar plane doesnt use a fuel motor or any type of fuel will be appreciated by many. This time is the best time for an invention of this type while everybody's going green. The solar plane will be great addition in adding to a cleaner environment. I do wonder how many passenger the plane will hold and if the solar plane will travel great distances. The solar plane would be a great investment for all in the business of travel. Although you do have to wonder what happends when batteries go dead, how will the solar plane operate and is there a back just in case.

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