Sunday, February 7, 2010

Journal #4 Due Date Feb. 7 2010

Technology is on the brain of many, literally. In Canada a new form of technology is being used, the name of this device is InteraXon. It is going to be one of the control systems of the lights at the Canadian Olympics. This not by any means normal switch pushing and pulling , but the by the use of the human brain. The Canadian Company says that this is the largest thought controlled computing installment. This invention will allow visitors at the Olympics use their brainwaves to control the lights in three landmarks in Canada, including Niagra Falls. The InteraXon works through a headset that has probes to touch the forehead which measure baseline brain activity. The rigged chairs that the visitors sit in are also made to work with the device by offering feedback to get the brain to its desired state. In more detail the headsets measures the brains electrical output and reacts to alpha waves, and with relaxation beta waves are evidence of concentration, this is the state that causes the lights to change colors. This could also make the lights brighter or spin faster. This is one the newest forms of technology that we actually have to "think" about.

I really thought that this article was very interesting, I feel like this is the beginning of a new trend of technology. We as humans have always had the means of using our brains to complete simple or difficult task, such adding numbers or picking up trash. I would have never imagined we would have the chance to use our brains to control lights or anything else. I think that this invention is very interesting, and so many other words I cant even think of. It s " mind " boogling to just think of how it would feel to be in control of something that you would never think to control with your brain. I think that a more enhanced form of this invention will make this a more hands free world. This is just the beginning.

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