Sunday, February 14, 2010

Journal #5 Due Date Feb.14

Is the internet really free services of entertainment and knowledge? According to the article Paying the Price for a free Web, its not. We as internet users according to the article are paying a price, not the price you may be thinking as in currency. We are paying the price of privacy and confidentiality. You might recall the time when AOL place the searches of X number of users online but under a coded number for security purposes. Well it wasnt so secure, because a report took keywords from the searches and in a few hours tracked down a woman that made the searches. In the article it stated that every month tracking cookies are put out on everyone to some how sum up your interest for the good of businesses. This is the price we pay to use the web for free.

This article was very informative to me, because I had no idea that every month I was being tracked while using the internet. I wonder why it is illegal to hack, but legal to disclose information of using the online sources in your own personal space. After reading this article there is nothing personal about the internet anymore to me. I had heard rumors that your were secretly being charged for using facebook, but I never had a deduction from my bank account. Now I know what the secret is. A wise man once told me " nothing is free".

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