Sunday, February 21, 2010

Journal # 6 Due Date Feb. 21,2009

Advancement in Arab is none compared to many countries, some would like to think its the lack of support in science and technology. Mohamed H.A. Hasaan, executive director of TWAS would agree, and feels that nanotechnology would be a great advancement for the Arab countries. Haasan feels that nanotechnology would provide an adequate supply of water, food and energy to the Arab countries. With the assistance of nano-filters there will be an greater water supply, through the efficiency of desalinization of plants. Nanotechnology will improve the capacity of solar panels and also increase the crop output. Haasan wants to encourage the Arab countries to support young scientist and build merit programs designed for science and technology. The country spends approx. 0.3 percent of its GDP on science and technology ( Hasaan Mohamed), due this Arab countries have a lack of technology in the countries. Hasaan believes that with the assistance nanotechnology the country will progress and benefit from it.

It is so amazing to discover everything that technology can be used for. I dont think about nanotechnology everyday and how it can be so vital to a person or a group of people. How by the use of technology there would be a greater food and water supply. I never even knew what nanotechnology was until I read this article. I totally agree with Hasaan in the fact the younger generations should be supported financially and mentally with the funds and schools needed to advance in the field of science and technology. If the country feels the need and urge to do this it could and more than likely would be beneficial to the country financially and resourcefully. For all these I feel the article was effective.

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